In Memoriam

“They will not go quietly,
the dogs who’ve shared our lives.
In subtle ways they let us know
their spirit still survives.

In memoriamIMG_1687

Featherstone’s Sound of Jura “Jura”
22-02-1998 / 27-08-1998

Ginnesder Cunning Companion “Warber”  
19-03-1994 /27-08-2004

Pepper’s Reflection Steady’s Fanny “Fanny
30-01-2004 / 27-05-2010

Gylvi’s Legend Magic Black Pepper “Pepper
29-04-1999 / 25-10-2010

Pepper’s Reflection Cayenne Pepper “Çayenne”
23-04-2002 /13-02-2012

Pepper’s Reflection Chili Pepper “Chili”
27-04-2005/ 13-01-2016

Pepper’s Reflection Black Pepper “Djuna”
12-02-2009/ 13-11-2019

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